Tuesday 7 February 2012

Why do you believe in Jesus ?

my friends answered...

KIRSTEN says "

Why do I believe in Jesus?  Because he is more real to me than anything else I know.  I cannot deny his presence and spirit within me and his hand in my life, and I would never want to - it's more like Phil 2: 13: "for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose."  

IAN says "

Experience has shown me that He is real.
Experience has shown me that life without Him is difficult and unpleasant.
Experience has shown me that staying close to Him is the only defence
against the enemy.
Experience has shown me that I am a better person when He is near.

SARAH W says "

He is the only thing that works, is constant, is unchangeable, and is always available 24/7.
But even if none of that were true, I believe because He is the Truth.

NICOLA says "

I believe in Jesus because He literally saved my life in a physical sense, as well as spiritual and also because with out Him I would not exist, as I am merely dust with out His Spirit....

DANIEL says "

I believe in Jesus because he has revealed himself to me, as my savior, as my friend and as my king.
I believe in Jesus because I have a relationship with him, something measurable in experiences, but immeasurable in his revelation of his love to me. I can define, explain and describe they type of relationship I have with him...the good, and the difficult.
I believe in Jesus because I have a relationship with God, something that can only happen because of Jesus.
I believe in Jesus because I realize how badly I need him. When you see need, you also see what can fulfill that need, and for the things I lack, only Jesus can fulfill.

BRENDON says "

I would say for me Jesus is
"life" itself and being with Him is like being alive

TARYN says "

I believe in Jesus because I belive in God. There must be more to this world and it had to have come from somewhere, thus there is a god who is God. Answered prayers to Him say He is there, but for the unanswered ones I say it is just faith, which as they say, is faith because you really can't prove it. Life is just easier to handle because I believe in Jesus :)

SUZANNE says "

I would say exactly that, that the principles applied in my life brings
life!  The miracles He did I have experienced in my life!


Basically I believe in Jesus as the Anointed one of God to take away my sin
because He is the prophesied saviour of the world according to the books of
Moses and he is declared to be the Son of God from the resurrection from the

ERIC says "

I believe in Jesus because He speaks to me on a very regular basis, and often He speaks about specifics that put me in contrast with other religions, ruling out the possibility of some interconnected faith.  For instance, He will warn me about dreamcatchers, so that puts me in contradiction with a religion that promotes dreamcatchers.  I also believe in Jesus because I am very aware of evil and evil spirits, which is in contrast with religions that teach that there is no such thing as evil, especially religions that teach all faiths lead to the same god.  This rules out relativism, and when you start to accept the fact that absolutes exist and that atheism cannot explain the origin of life before the big bang, Christianity stacks up exceptionally well to explain the origin of life and the state of man.  Not everything is clearly understandable, but 1 Cor 13 teaches that we see dimly in a mirror and will one day see in full.


Well, you would have to bear with me as I share a bit of my testimony (I'll
give the short version).
Firstly I was brought up in a Christian home, did everything as I should do
as a Christian. Once I left school, started my Studies I found I did not
need God or Jesus so much so I choose to do my own thing and going to church
or even reading the Word was not part of that agenda.

A few years later, sitting at home wondering about life, what I should do
next and not really in a good place, I decided to ask God if he really
existed to show up in my life! (I suppose this was a kind of pray.) That
evening a friend of mine phoned and asked if I wanted to go to church with
him - I thought a new Bar had opened. We didn't go, but that week God
continued to be on my thoughts, so the following Sunday we headed down to
the Church (One in Table View). I made a few new friends and got involved in
a cell group. A few weeks later, the cell leader asked if anyone wanted to
recommit their lives to Jesus - I decided I would. The year 1996 this time I
made the decision, not my parents on my behalf. (There comes a point in
everyone's life to accept or reject Jesus as their Lord)

I felt I had purpose again, the reasons I had walked away from God (Were
actually still there however I decided to hand the matter over to him - it's
not my problem it was his) it did take 10 years which God mouldered me into
a Man who he wanted me to be, but I see the blessing now.

I think it was about 6\9 months later I left for the UK on a
Working\Holiday, big step, was not easy at first but as I stepped out in
Faith, as I put my trust in God and things just seem to fall into place and
the dream of traveling started to grow. After giving my life to him in 1996,
and taking that new step into a new season was daunting, but exciting at the
same time, plus this time Jesus was with me. I spent a lot of time with him
as there was no-one else around and so my relationship grew. It was part of
the plan he had for me. I could continue with this story till today, every
day I am seeing God's Blessing, and Protection, even when I have done
something I should not have done.

So why do I believe in Jesus, simple he is part of my life he lives inside
me, guides me and teaching me.  John 15:1-15 talks about been grafted into
the vine, us been grafted in Jesus. " and every branch that bears fruit He
prunes, that it may bear more fruit" - Speaking to me that even though I may
be a Christian, he still wants to work in my life build my character Build
my Faith, Exercise those gifts he has given me so that I may bear more
